Conscious Asset e-Learning Academy
Welcome to our learning domain where you will find all of our training-related content.
- Certificate Courses products include our e-learning courses plus several additional certification products including evaluation of equivalency from other similar programs and reviews of completed analyses to meet RCM-R belt requirements.
- e-Learning courses are pre-recorded self-paced courses, earning CEUs and leading to certifications.
- Consulting are products that cover packaged services.
- Downloadable content includes e-books, PDF books, Spreadsheet, files that are part of downloadable course content, or other Conscious Asset products.
- Pilot Projects These are used to help complete Certification requirements (e.g.: RCM-R Orange Belt Pilot Projects) or to provide professional advice based on “Uptime” self assessments.
- Virtual learning. All of our courses can be taught with a live class online.
- On-Site Training: We offer all of our training through live on-site delivery on request.
- Find Your Certificate. We normally add new certificants to the list within one or two weeks of course completion.
- If you don’t find your certificate here, please let us know: EMail:
Please Note: Our learning management system is incompatible with Internet Explorer. IE is no longer supported by Microsoft, but some companies still use it. Please use a different current-version browser, and NOT Internet Explorer for best results.
Want to talk about your training needs? Book an appointment here.
Certificate (20)
This category allows for candidates to be certified. Some have taken our certification courses (virtual or e-learning) and some have submitted proof of equivalency to our training. They may not have Conscious Asset training but have received equivalent training from other sources. Purchase of these does not guarantee equivalency and evidence must be submitted to support claims made about other… -
Consulting (4)
Consulting services require a fee for services. The scheduling of your session must be determined separately with the consultant. This category of products is used only for convenience and flexibility in payment methods. These products are not used if you are using a Purchase Order or Services Contract with invoicing provisions. -
Downloadable Content (6)
Books and other products such as ebook or PDF versions of course textbooks (if available) and other "tools" such as apps, assessments, and software. -
e-learning (19)
e-learning courses are pre-recorded and taught entirely online. Students work at their own pace (asynchronous learning). They include various lessons, quizzes, assignments, downloadable course materials, and other relevant content. e-learning courses may be taken by anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Students may submit questions online and they will be answered by the instructor in the course Q&A area. -
Pilot Project (6)
Pilot projects to follow e-learning courses that are add-ons to the course content to gain experience in using what was learned. Can be thought of as voluntary Capstone exercises or assignments. In some cases, these can count as partial credit towards certifications. -
Virtual learning (2)
Virtual learning courses are the next best thing to face-to-face classroom learning. They are taught by the instructor online in a group setting. AKA "Synchronous" training, these courses are not pre-recorded, so each delivery is unique. There are opportunities to dialogue with the instructor, ask questions and get answers in real time.