Uptime Self-Assessment Evaluation Tool
Improvement programs developed “in-house” often fail to achieve the desired results for a variety of reasons. This product provides you with a self-assessment tool, essential to determine just where your improvement opportunities lie, and where yo should focus your improvement efforts. When completed, you can book a consultation and upload your results for our unbiased professional opinion on what you have developed.
We have seen many of these assessments and know where they can be misinterpreted or where components need to be improved together. We can advise where we think the self-assessment may have flawed results, where the stated improvements may be lacking, and offer suggestions on what to do to increase your success with your own program.
Get an expert opinion on your plans.
Many companies are looking for improvements but struggle to get results. The problem often arises from their initial improvement plans. After completing our training, “Uptime – Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management,” you have enough information to start on the path of making changes. You may not need a consultant’s assessment, but you want to find just where you should consider making improvements.
This self-assessment product will provide you with a ranking of your current state. The further from the top of the scale you are, the more improvement is needed, and the greater your opportunity.
It is important to understand the questions being asked in this Self-Assessment. A pre-requisite to gain access to our self-assessment tool is that you must complete the training: Uptime – Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management. If you have completed the Spanish, French or Portuguese versions of this course, please let us know and we will grant access to this assessment.
For more detail on what is included please click here.
If you want a consultation on the results of your self-assessment and what you can do to improve your performance, please contact us to book a consultation.