RCM-R Blue Belt Certificate – Trained Facilitator
The RCM-R Blue Belt (Facilitator) Training is being provided for up to 5 trainees at the same time. Each must pass all the requirements to be awarded a certificate that enables them to move to the next step in Facilitator Competency development (the Brown Belt). The training is delivered in a live virtual format, so the instructional time must be scheduled with your instructor.
The RCM-R Blue Belt certifies that you have taken and passed the course requirements for RCM-R Facilitation. It is the next level above Orange Belt (experienced analyst) certification. It is intended to prepare you for practice as an RCM-R Facilitator under the guidance of a mentor – either a certified facilitator (Brown Belt) or an RCM-R instructor (Black Belt). Once you have completed sufficient mentored analyses to demonstrate your competency to your mentor (normally 2 or 3 analyses), you will be awarded the RCM-R Brown Belt, certifying you as a “Competent RCM-R Facilitator”.
To complete this Blue Belt training requirement you must participate in 8 hours of instruction (in a live-virtual format), become very familiar with the content of our “RCM-R Facilitators’ Handbook” (which is included with this product) and complete a 2-hour exam. The instruction is live so there is plenty of opportunity for questions and answers. Support to the facilitator who is trained and passes the exam will continue while they gain further experience facilitating RCM-R analyses.
Note that in order to purchase this product, you must have completed the RCM-R Yellow Belt and the RCM-R Orange Belt Certifications.