RCM-R Orange Belt – Experienced Analyst (Nutrien)

Reliability Centered Maintenance is the top method for formally defining effective failure management strategies for physical assets in their present operating contexts. It has been well-proven to be highly successful in achieving cost savings, production increases, safety, and environmental performance improvements. Basic RCM complies with the standard, SAE JA-1011. RCM-R goes well beyond that compliance with several enhancements. 

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RCM-R Orange Belt – Experienced Analyst (facilitated)

Reliability Centered Maintenance is the top method for formally defining effective failure management strategies for physical assets in their present operating contexts. It has been well-proven to be highly successful in achieving cost savings, production increases, safety, and environmental performance improvements. Basic RCM complies with the standard, SAE JA-1011. RCM-R goes well beyond that compliance with several enhancements. 

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RCM-R(R) Orange Belt – Experienced Analyst (equivalent)

Reliability Centered Maintenance is the top method for formally defining effective failure management strategies for physical assets in their present operating contexts. It has been well-proven to be highly successful in achieving cost savings, production increases, safety, and environmental performance improvements. Basic RCM complies with the standard, SAE JA-1011. RCM-R goes well beyond that compliance with several enhancements. 

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Ceinture orange RCM-R(R) – Analyste expérimenté

La maintenance centrée sur la fiabilité est la meilleure méthode pour définir formellement des stratégies efficaces de gestion des pannes pour les actifs physiques dans leurs contextes d'exploitation actuels. Il a été prouvé qu'il réussissait très bien à réaliser des économies de coûts, à augmenter la production, à améliorer la sécurité et les performances environnementales. Basic RCM est conforme à la norme SAE JA-1011. RCM-R va bien au-delà de cette conformité avec plusieurs améliorations.

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RCM-R(R) Orange Belt – Experienced Analyst (e)

Reliability Centered Maintenance is the top method for formally defining effective failure management strategies for physical assets in their present operating contexts. It has been well-proven to be highly successful in achieving cost savings, production increases, safety, and environmental performance improvements. Basic RCM complies with the standard, SAE JA-1011. RCM-R goes well beyond that compliance with several enhancements. 

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Certificação RCM-R Faixa Amarela Básica (Manutenção centrada na confiabilidade – Reprojetada)

A Manutenção Centrada na Confiabilidade é o principal método para definir formalmente estratégias eficazes de gerenciamento de falhas para ativos físicos em seus atuais contextos operacionais. Está comprovado que é altamente bem-sucedido na obtenção de redução de custos, aumento de produção, segurança e melhorias de desempenho ambiental. O RCM básico está em conformidade com o padrão SAE JA-1011. O RCM-R vai muito além dessa conformidade com vários aprimoramentos.

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Certificación básica de cinturón amarillo RCM-R (Mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad: rediseñado)

El mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad es el método principal para definir formalmente estrategias efectivas de gestión de fallas para los activos físicos en sus contextos operativos actuales. Se ha demostrado que tiene un gran éxito en el logro de ahorros de costos, aumentos de producción, seguridad y mejoras en el desempeño ambiental. El RCM básico cumple con la norma SAE JA-1011. RCM-R va mucho más allá de ese cumplimiento con varias mejoras.

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