Uptime Assessment & Business Case Consultation
Business Case Consultation is for larger enterprises considering improvements in maintenance and reliability, who need to know if those improvements are worth chasing. It enables the use of our on-line “Business Case Estimator” tool, our evaluation of your results, and then a senior-level discussion of those results.
This consulting product is intended for those customers who have completed either our on-line “Uptime Self Assessment” or used our on-line “Business Case Estimator”. This covers the time necessary for a consultation on your results from either of those products or both. The discussion is best to be scheduled with our Subject Matter Expert and your senior staff who are considering an improvement initiative. That may include your senior reliability and maintenance lead, operations, finance, and potentially others.
The Business Case Estimator is an online automated tool that combines a quick assessment of maintenance efficiency and reliability effectiveness, with operational and financial performance measures to produce an estimate of potential improvement values. It produces an estimate of maintenance cost savings as well as production increases along with various financial indicators of profitability and efficient use of working capital.
The Business Case Estimator is best used in manufacturing, process, and resource extraction industries. It can be used for fleet environments with careful attention to the inputs.
The Uptime Self Assessment can be used in any capital-intensive industry. The inputs for that will come largely from your maintenance, supply chain, and operations personnel. It is best to have several peoples’ inputs to that self-assessment to get unbiased results. Note that in order to use the Uptime Self Assessment tool, the person named on your order (the user) must have passed our “Uptime” training course.