RCM-R(R) Orange Belt – Experienced Analyst (e)

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RCM-R Pilot Projects (2) for a single analyst with Yellow Belt equivalence (e)

To earn an Orange Belt in RCM-R you must first earn the Yellow Belt. You do that by taking and passing our RCM-R Yellow Belt Certification course or you gain Yellow Belt equivalence. The Yellow Belt attests to knowledge of the RCM-R method. Quizzes are used in the course, or an exam for equivalence, to reinforce and confirm the level of knowledge gained.

The Orange Belt certification builds on that Yellow Belt knowledge by adding experience. The analyst completes two (2) facilitated RCM-R projects. At least one of those submissions must be facilitated by a certified RCM-R facilitator (Brown Belt) or Instructor (Black Belt). Both submissions will be reviewed by one of our instructors (Black Belts) to ensure it meets minimum analysis quality requirements for your Orange Belt. When completed you will be awarded a certificate declaring your Experienced Analyst (Orange Belt) status.

This product allows for an individual who has gained RCM knowledge using other methods to be certified at the Orange Belt level in RCM-R. Candidates for Orange Belt certification must all have completed the exam and achieved the RCM-R Yellow Belt Equivalence Certification to get this certification. If the analyst has taken our Yellow Belt Certification training she/he should use our Orange Belt Certification (without the “e”).

This offering includes the MS Excel spreadsheet, with various worksheets needed for recording your analysis (you don’t need expensive software), our review, and feedback on your completed effort. The analysis work for each project will be submitted as an “assignment” and reviewed by an RCM-R Black Belt (instructor). If both pass that review your team of 5 named candidates who participated in the analysis will be granted Orange Belt status.

Our RCM-R textbook (not included, must be purchased separately) contains all the content covered in depth. The book is, “Reliability Centered Maintenance – Re-engineered, Practical Optimization of the RCM Process with RCM-R(R)”, by Jesus Sifonte and James Reyes-Picknell, 2017, CRC Press, New York. If the student does not already have a copy of the text, it can be acquired from the publisher here: LINK TO PUBLISHER, or from various other online technical booksellers.

Other useful references are:

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What Will You Learn?

  • Gain an understanding of RCM, its origins, and the relevant standard governing all RCM methods.
  • Understand the RCM-R method and how it enhances the basic RCM method
  • Gain insight into what it takes to be truly effective in a maintenance program
  • Gain practical experience with all aspects of the RCM-R method
  • Gain an understanding of the requirements to achieve top results from RCM-R
  • Gain an understanding of how RCM-R can be leveraged to produce a variety of benefits for a modern operation
  • The completed course exercise on a real and critical system from your own operations that can be used to improve your operational availability

Course Content

RCM-R Project Assignment
This assignment completes 1 of 2 required analyses for purpose of Orange Belt certification.

  • Walk through of completed RCM-R analysis
  • Pilot Project Assignment #1 with Templates
  • Pilot Project Assignment #2

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